Thursday, August 14, 2008

Russia invades Georgia!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, the unthinkable has happened. Territorial sovereignty has been breached by a member of the G8. Russia seems to be unapologetic about its ivasion into Georgian territory. As of this morning CNN was reporting that the russians were retreating from Gori. Yesterday afternoon on CSPAN they broadcast the joint news conference helb by French President Nicholas Sarkozy and Russian President Dimitry Medvedyev. Sarkozy seemed pleased with himself for at least trying to stop the war from escalating while Medvedyev was unapologetic in tone and seemed to bristle at the idea that Russia's position should be scrutinized in any way.
Today I watched forum called Resolving the Russia-Georgia Conflict held by the Brookings Institution. Strobe Talbott who served as a deputy Secretary of State under the Clinton administration gave some insight into the situation saying that this might have been prevented had Georgia been granted NATO membership. Other members of the forum were waiting to see how this would play out with regards to the Russian support of the Iran situation which they deem so vital at the moment. Other members were inteested to see how all this was playing CHina who are busy with their own Olympics at this time. They believed that China would be watching especially to see if there was some kind of punishment in the way of economic sanctions which would be levied against Russia for this transgression.

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Wisdom of David Gergen

On "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos David Gergen laid out some sober advice for the Obama Camp. According to him at this point in the campaign Obama should be much further ahead than he is. At this point polls show Mccain about even with him though Obama is a few point ahead in some polls. Gergen's advice? Don't forget about Hillary supporters. He cautioned that Obama does a disseervice to his cause by writing her off. Gergen argued that the need to bring the Democratic party together at this time is necessary and could mean the election. Of course there would be Clinton baggage from both Hillary and Bill but can Democrats really afford to lose again after the last two nail biters. If Dems can't pull a win out of the hat this year they might as well hang it up. In the game of politics principles don't mean much if you can't win. With ninety days left Why is Obama running dead even with the guy who represents Bush III term?

I don't know but he better start making his case to the American people and fast and not just hold up $1000 checks to get votes.