Well The Political season has just gotten more interesting. After a tempestuous battle by Hillary for the Presidency. Republicans make a play for the votes of Women by offering them a more conservative option. Clearly Mrs. Palin has the rhetorical skills to handle the job but as Charles Krauthammer a Fox news regular and Republican pundit points out, her nomination simply undercuts the Republican's whole argument that Obama isn't qualified enough. Peggy Noonan's ringing endorsement before her speech can be heard here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrG8w4bb3kg .
Problem #1: The majority of women who voted for Hillary are Pro-Choice and there is no way in hell they will vote for rabid right woman like Sarah Palin.
Problem # 2: Nobody votes for President based on the VP
On the other hand maybe Mccain just needs to eat away at Obama's women voters just a little bit just as George W. Bush did with Hispanics in 2000. If Palin is a net positive for Mccain even if only a few point its could turn the election.
As usual Obama's nimble campaign is right on top of the situation and targeting women who think that Mccain is pro-choice ( I have to admit I thought this was true early on in the campaign) . By agggressively putting out the message that Mccain is not Pro-choice in the key battleground states this may be enough to counter any bounce that Mccain might have enjoyed among women because of the Palin pick.
The other issue that remains an undercurrent is the public perception of the media as ganging up on this hockey mom. If the media goes too far it could backfire and get her more supporters. Biden also has to walkthis tightrope in the debate coming up. Again the Obama campaign is lowering expectations for Biden in the debate by telling him to say that she was an impressive speaker and that he will have to study up for the debate.
Personally I believe that Sarah Palin is a good representative of her party and its beliefs but I just see the same old right wing attacks on liberals as unpatriotic and stupid. After 8 years of Karl Rove style politics I'm sure I'm not the only person who's tired of this. I hear the same self-righteous crap about defending the country and brainwashed thinking that we must never question our nations policies and that somehow reassessing our goals periodically and changing course is weakness on our part. But I'll get of my soapbox for now.