Well the tide has finally turned! The USA has chosen a new path much to the bewilderment of the Right. Come on you guys had to see this coming. You spent years on divisive practically meaningless issues while ignoring the bread and butter stuff that elections always come down to. I realized with this election, which I was honestly sweating till the economic crisis threw it decisively in Obama's favor, that this country is not made up of rigidly blue and red states. At any particular moment when asked about any particular topic the different sections of the country are more blue or red depending on the circumstances. We are more purple than we think people. So much has changed in the last few weeks. Hillary as Sec. of State? Who would of thunk it? But I have to say it was an extremely shrewd decision on so many levels. He finally brings her die-hards into the fold as much as they can be anyway. He staves off a possible rival in 2012. He shows his bigness of spirit and widens the Democratic tent doors. He has done what he said and reachedout to the moderate and conservatives in these early days. Lets hope it doesn't come back to bite him in the ass. I thknk this picture of Jesse says it all. Black people in America felt this election on a much deeper level than most whites. For blacks this was the culmination of years of struggle and soul searching and prayer and suffering and tears. For some whites this was a patch to cover up the ugly past of this country regarding slavery and segregation and continuing racism .
Here in the South it sent shockwaves and fear throughout the white community. They thought the rest of the country had gone crazy to elect this guy. I heard people at work the next day talking in hushed tones about taking down their Mccain signs for fear of angry reprisal by blacks on the rampage since they now had a black president. Old white men at the entrance of BI-LO whispering to each other at how the country had gone nuts. Notice the high turnout for the Saxby Chambliss runoff. I surmise more than a few Republicans were scared to death after Obama's election and wanted to raise the wall at Georgia's borders.