Well the stimulus has now passed the house but without Republican support AGAIN. It is also going through the Senate with only three Republican votes. Republicans argue that this bill was crafted largely without their advice or input. They also say that there is little in the way of actual short term stimulus in this package. Whatever their arguments do they run a risk by this allout opposition to a new very popular president. I believe they do. They are in exactly the same position as the Democrats when Republicans accused them of wanting the war in Iraq to fail. Clearly an economic bill doesn't carry the emotional baggage of sending our sons and daughters overseas to fight in a war but in this looming economic crisis do Republicans really want to be seen as the ones who are standing in the way of the "change " that the country overwhelmingly voted for. As usual they are playing to their base instead of reaching across the aisle and vying for the votes of moderates and independents who might support this bill. It seems a bit discourteous to me as a Southerner, to see Republicans turn up their nose to a president who has gone out of his way to include them in discussions. I heard shock in President Obama's voice this morning as he talked about Gregg stepping down from his post. He seems to be unsure of how to build a bridge to the Republican side when they keep cutting the ropes.
The greatest risk that the Reuplicans run, however, is being on the wrong side of history. If the stimulus bill does what it is supposed to then they will be at a loss to explain their lack of support. Im already sure they will argue that it was the tax cuts included in the package which kept it from being a total failure and that their package could have led to an even greater recovery. IN addition to this tone deafness on the part of the Republicans the greatest failure they have made is that they don't feel the sense of urgency that the public feels about pasing something even if only to change world perception. The twenty four hour news cycle also has contributed to this sense of urgency. Every day we are getting more and more bad news about the economy and our tension grows and the people are yearning for action.
We heard enthusiasm from Democrats about their chances in the mid-term elections. Obama's strategy of takinghis message straight to the people is very effective. He comes off as listening to the drumbeat on the ground. He is also an effective communicator and is putting the American people at ease about the walls crumbling around them as a President should. We get the sense that he actually cares and is working on our behalf. In contrast Bush looked liked he would rather not be bothered anytime he was questioned about his actions.
Finally Republicans risk becoming irrelevant through this action . Can a party survive in the 21st century with its platform consisting of cutting taxes and spending for the sake of cutting taxes and spending and gaybashing. Moderates and independents are beginning to realize that cutting spending is great and good but more than that we want a government that works on our behalf and that this is clearly not the time to cut spending. When we are facing a crisis of such enormity we have to pull together to get something done. I believe this was the same idea that Republicans put forward to support a war against a country that had done nothing to us.