Well The Stimulus package is now law. Unfortunately we still have to pass the budget. Whining from the right about the spending. Pretty hilarious. how short do they think our memories are? At least this spending is in the US of A instead of in a BS war we never should have been in the first place. At this point I say screw bipartisanship. They had 8 years and they blew it. In the words of my father "They flunked". Who gives a flying rat's ass what they think at this point. We have an agenda to strengthen the middle class and to lay the foundations for a strong economic future. And another thing. Why doesn't someone call Republicans on their BS position about supporting the president no matter what? What happened to that BS?
On other fronts Israel is pissed that new Sec. of State Clinton is not bowing to their every whim. I say rock on. US policy should be just that US policy and not be held hostage by Israel. Its time we returned to a more balanced approach and finally create a Palestinian state.
In other news if you haven't seen the John Adam's series with Paul Giammati you really should!!! Its on Netflix and its awesome.
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